Archive for September, 2010

Transparency in Internet Explorer 6

Posted: September 30, 2010 in CSS, HTML, Joomla
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Everyone who ever made a template for joomla, or a web design in general, knows the feeling: finally, after hours or days of work you’ve created something that looks great…until you check how it looks in other browsers. A template that looks great in one browser can be a total mess in another browser and it can turn out quit a job to fix this. Sometimes fixing this can take as much time as creating the template itself. That’s why it is important to keep the differences between browsers in mind, when you create your template. Many starting web designers make the mistake to start thinking about this when the design is nearly finished. This will add extra work to your design which could have been avoided. And when you face a deadline, it will give you some headaches too. So I’ve decided to write a series of articles about these differences between browsers that you should think about.

This first topic is transparency. First, let’s explain what exactly the problem is with transparency. As with all problems, it is important that you fully understand the problem before you solve it.

Few days ago I faced a problem which is Install problem: Apache server of XAMPP won’t start on W2K machine.I solved that in the following way :


* Scroll down and find “Listen 80″, change to “Listen 8080″
* Also find “ServerName localhost:80″, change to “ServerName localhost:8080″

Convert em,px,pt and % in css

Posted: September 30, 2010 in CSS

Hi I gone through lot of sites and found a site which showed this chart which was very helpful. I have listed below that chart.

Thanks to this site:

Conversion from Points to Pixels (and Ems and %)
Here’s a chart that converts points to pixels (and ems and %). It’s an approximation, which will depend on font, browser and OS, but it’s a good starting point.

You can mingle HTML and CSS into your PHP output. This becomes especially handy when dealing with loops and result sets from a MySQL database.

Here is an example for you to examine and test


Learn PHP:6-print Vs. echo

Posted: September 29, 2010 in PHP

print and echo are both used to output data to browser software or other technologies that intake external data. As you come to view different PHP scripts in your travels online you may notice some authors use echo and some use print. Let us discuss the difference.

echo() is a language construct, so you are not required to use parentheses with it. If you ever need to pass more than one parameter to echo(), the parameters must not be enclosed within parentheses.